Welcome to my blog!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Welcome to my blog page!

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  1. HI Bill-

    Yeh! Your blog page is up & runnning! Good luck.

  2. I'm getting ready for the art festival in Marietta GA this weekend.....
    After a summer of having all three of my kids around, I'm getting back to work. I just put two paintings on Ebay yesterday, by the way. I need to make room for new paintings that I'm currently working on...

  3. Dear Bill,
    Your Art work is BEAUTIFUL. I love it. If I were to read you from your work,you have a gentle nature and is very disciplined to your focus. You have a sensitivity to the earth and the subtle atmospheres that earth shows us. You are sensitive to people. I love the poetry that you chose to explain your painting of roads. You are an amazing Artist and I wish you all the best
    Dr Fawzia Smith MD
